Monday, 30 April 2012

Day 31: Now you see me, now you don't

^ ..and that applies for my outfit posts as well! The nice ones amongst you will have noticed that I was AWOL yesterday (I did say that might happen!), so Day 31 continues with the khaki trend. I've always wondered how khaki helps to camouflage - Katy Perry seems to do it rather well in her "Part of Me" video, but I've had no such luck with the white shirt + army print combo. I didn't manage to sneak up successfully on anyone or stay hidden from annoying people. Shame.

Today I'm wearing:
  • Khaki midi skirt from "Best Mountain Collection" (Google informs me that it's a French brand)
  • Vintage white shirt
Since starting this blog, I've received quite a few more questions about what I'm wearing - and I'm happy to say that usually there's a story behind it! Today's interesting (I think) fact is that the skirt was a hand-me-down (no shame in that, ladies) from my auntie, and when I received I instantly thought "Oh God isn't that skirt hideous?". Not one to refuse free clothing, I took it anyway and then after storing it in the bottom of my wardrobe for months, I woke up one day and realised that it is actually a nice skirt. It has nice embroidery and is an interesting length you can't really buy in shops these days anymore. And as long as you wear it high-waisted with a plain top, it works (I think).

Also, on the note of hand-me-downs, a lot of people also say that I own a LOT of clothes. That's true. But I don't buy a lot of clothes. I love digging through (literally) my mum's wardrobe and picking things that she's long forgotten about, and finding new ways to reinvent them. After all, that's the challenge. And you should all know by now that I like a challenge!

Bev x

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