Friday, 4 May 2012

Day 34: Seeing double

Last week, I was challenged by a friend to "wear 2 white shirts." At first I thought she meant I should have 2 white shirt outfits for one day, but it was actually that I should wear 2 at once. Over one week later, I have accepted that challenge. I won't lie: it's not my favourite trend. I've been greeted by several raised eyebrows and such, but at the end of the day it's just another challenge. If you're ever brave enough to do it, do all the inner shirt's buttons up, and leave the outer one loose like a jacket. And you must must must wear a belt. 

Today I'm wearing:
  • Inner shirt: Forever 21 white shirt
  • Outer shirt: Vintage white shirt
  • Belt from TU at Sainsbury's 
  • Primark skirt
 (Above is the original, 1 shirt look. In the words of that kitchen towel TV advert, 1 shirt does plenty!)
Any more challenges, anyone?
Bev x

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